This post is to discuss the swap policy in vllm. In each step of llm.engine, the scheduler schedules the blocks to be swapped in and out. Then, the relevant information about the swap-in and swap-out blocks is passed to the model_executor through scheduler_outputs.

    def step(self) -> List[RequestOutput]:
        seq_group_metadata_list, scheduler_outputs = self.scheduler.schedule()
        # pdb.set_trace()
        if not scheduler_outputs.is_empty():
            output = self.model_executor.execute_model(
                seq_group_metadata_list, scheduler_outputs.blocks_to_swap_in,
            output = []
        return self._process_model_outputs(output, scheduler_outputs)

The swap-in and swap-out blocks are decided in scheduler.schedule() function, which calls scheduler._schedule(). The scheduler will try to swap in the blocks from cpu to gpu if it is possible. The scheduler will also swap out the blocks from gpu to cpu if block_manager.can_append_slot fails. In that case, the scheduler will preempt lower priority seq groups to make space for the higher priority seq groups. In vllm, there are two ways to preempt low priority sequence group: recompute and swap. According to the code, the current policy is recompute only when seq_group.get_max_num_running_seqs() == 1. scheduler.schedule() will return scheduler_outputs which contains necessary information for model_executor to do the swap-in and swap-out. Following are the code showcasing what functions model_executor will call:

  1. In model_executor.execute_model(), it will call driver_worker to do the job.

       output = self.driver_worker.execute_model(
  2. In worker, it will call cache_swap (some codes are ommited)

       if self.is_driver_worker:
       assert seq_group_metadata_list is not None
       num_seq_groups = len(seq_group_metadata_list)
       assert blocks_to_swap_in is not None
       assert blocks_to_swap_out is not None
       assert blocks_to_copy is not None
       data = {
           "num_seq_groups": num_seq_groups,
           "blocks_to_swap_in": blocks_to_swap_in,
           "blocks_to_swap_out": blocks_to_swap_out,
           "blocks_to_copy": blocks_to_copy,
       broadcast_tensor_dict(data, src=0)
       self.cache_swap(blocks_to_swap_in, blocks_to_swap_out, blocks_to_copy)
  3. Then, it will call cache_engine to swap the blocks.

         def swap_in(self, src_to_dst: Dict[int, int]) -> None:
             for i in range(self.num_layers):
                 self.attn_backend.swap_blocks(self.cpu_cache[i], self.gpu_cache[i],
  4. In attn_backend(xformer in my case), it will call Pageattention.swap_blocks
         def swap_blocks(
             src_kv_cache: torch.Tensor,
             dst_kv_cache: torch.Tensor,
             src_to_dst: Dict[int, int],
         ) -> None:
             PagedAttention.swap_blocks(src_kv_cache, dst_kv_cache, src_to_dst)
  5. And then it will use cache_ops.(some codes are ommited)
         void swap_blocks(
             torch::Tensor& src,
             torch::Tensor& dst,
             const std::map<int64_t, int64_t>& block_mapping) {
             char *src_ptr = static_cast<char*>(src.data_ptr());
             char *dst_ptr = static_cast<char*>(dst.data_ptr());
             const int64_t block_size_in_bytes = src.element_size() * src[0].numel();
             const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(src_device.is_cuda() ? src_device : dst_device);
             const cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
             // NOTE(woosuk): This can be slow if the number of blocks is large.
             for (const auto& pair : block_mapping) {
                 int64_t src_block_number = pair.first;
                 int64_t dst_block_number = pair.second;
                 int64_t src_offset = src_block_number * block_size_in_bytes;
                 int64_t dst_offset = dst_block_number * block_size_in_bytes;
                 dst_ptr + dst_offset,
                 src_ptr + src_offset,

    The graph might be useful to understand the vllm structure.

References: vLL framework; vllm